If you are interested in buying it, we can try to track it down for you. USD 0.00 Track it down This item is currently unavailable. There been some controversy about Cyber Gadgets new product the PS4 game save editor. Cyber Save Editor for PS4 (1 User License) Cyber Gadget Rated By Our Customers Compatible with PlayStation 4, Playstation 4 Pro Japan Get notified when this item is back in stock by using our Product Alert. Which will allow you to modify PS4 game saves, for example being able to have all the levels complete and all the loot, so you can enjoy the game. Now with the recent firmware update 4.50 it looks like it has blocked cyber Gadgets PS4 game save editor. Nitrowolf2 over at nextgenupdate tells us what happens when transferring the modified game save. If you the save you are using is on a lower FW than 4.50 (backup from a USB, or off the internet) the system won’t allow you to copy it onto itself or use it unless the original from the console itself it up-to-date and then copied over.Īnd if you copy a save from 4.50 onto a USB drive it appears as corrupted on a firmware below it.

So this gave me an idea, what if the system update isn’t exactly the one that’s preventing the save from not working? After some testing, I have concluded that the latest Firmware introduced a save patching system that only gets applied during USB Copying. Notice the key here is USB COPYING, meaning I have found a bypass to this. *Down below you will find a guide that will allow you to continue to use the save Editor, but to keep in mind this will only be available to a limited amount of users due to the process of achieving it. Now you can find this work, around Nitrowolf2 is talking about herebut you will have to register to see all the links but here is how the bypass works.